Building a RAVE-Worthy

We use an inclusive, design-based approach to identify and enable customer experiences worth raving about. In doing so we elevate the conversation from ‘merely delivering’ to ‘delivering purposefully and for happiness’.

This is about valued, lasting relationships each time customers engage with your brand. And knowing how to build this into your brand DNA, so it becomes everyday best practice and just ‘the way we do it here’.


How we Get 100% goodness with no rub

Being a good brand today means landing in your customer’s world and making it better. This one focus alone will help you create and deliver stories worth raving about, and build a brand that’s savoured, every time. 

So what does 100% goodness with NO rub look like for your customers? And how is this implemented operationally, so it becomes everyday best practice and just the ‘way we do it here’? By focusing CX efforts on 3 clear steps while introducing key human / design insights, that’s how.

1. Your experience

We identify the CX that best builds LOVE for your brand, and package this in a way where others (like staff or investors) want to be part of it too.

2. The overlay

We then overlay this with current practice, to highlight areas of interest and growth, and to identify specific pathways to improve.

3. Your 'everyday'

With you we then implement the tools and techniques to make this experience happen – all day, every day. How we do this depends on the project at hand.

Every project is a stage for customer greatness. Sometimes the focus is specific – to get the design of a new web app right, for example. Other times it’s more comprehensive – to build customer happiness across your brand, in which case we need to get your style and interaction across ALL touchpoints right.

Be assured every project gets the planning it deserves, and projects with a wider focus often involve development on many fronts; from the leading of customer ideas, to the formulating of new methods and tools, to the building of brand culture based on happiness, everything we do moves you closer to where you want to be with customers today.

Importantly, how and where in your business you apply us is up to you. From the design of a specific tool or technique to your greater brand and CX aspirations, we focus and form teams in your best interests and according to the project at hand.

So whether you’re a new brand looking to make a GREAT impression, or more established and thinking market share and highlighting your difference, chances are the CX you provide is key to the path ahead. And the good news is with Momint this difference is designable – so why not get in touch to find out more?

how rave-worthy is YOUR CX? Because we may be able to help with this

Talents WE BRING – Smart customer engagement, UX and visual design, product usability, best practice, process flow, experience design, work culture, brand loyalTY & customer happiness!

If that’s good, Let’s Talk



Nelson, New Zealand